Chapter 92- Close shave after close shave
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 92- Close shave after close shave

Level two mutated life forms already had basic intellect, especially in hunting, which was something innate for them.

This level two mutated spider’s eight legs paused on the ceiling, and it gave out a thud sound.

Ye Zhongming cursed as that sound caused those zombies to turn around. When they noticed the fresh human right next to them, they pounced over.

Ye Zhongming dared not let these zombies bite him even though he was immune to the zombie virus. He used both the shield and the blade to kill them.

Ye Zhongming was quick and killed them all in a few seconds. His movement was smooth as water, and there was no hesitation.

However, the mutated Huntsman Spider didn’t give up this chance. It found the opportunity to open its mouth to spit out a white ball enough to cover numerous racks.

The silk and poison toxin was the natural ability of the Hunstman Spider. This net spitting was a natural skill.

“Spider Net!” Ye Zhongming recalled the name of this skill.

This huge net descended from above, and it covered a huge area. Although a rack was above him, if Ye Zhongming didn’t dodge, this net would trap him between two frames, and there would be no escape.

At the crucial moment, Ye Zhongming kicked down a rack before him. Like dominos, it knocked down the few shelves in front of it until a huge pillar stopped them.

Ye Zhongming took this chance and ran forwards. When he was at the side of the room, he realized he couldn’t dodge anymore, so he slashed.

“Full Strength Light!”

A silver light exploded from Moon Edge and sliced into the net. The white net that was sticky and tough was cut open by the light, which allowed Ye Zhongming to jump out from space.

If this sticky net stuck onto something like your shirt, it would be tough to break free. There were neural toxins on it that caused one’s body to weaken until they lost their senses. This was why Ye Zhongming didn’t dare to be careless.

The Hunstman Spider screeched when it saw the human dodge its killing move. It swung down, white silk connecting its body to

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