Chapter 890- Cheers
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 890- Cheers

The entire Cloud Peak’s walls were silent.

Everyone knew what that meant.

That person was asking them to leave.

Disbelief appeared in many of their eyes.

They had seen Liu Zhenghong and Le Dayuan, ranked only below Ye Zhongming, fighting alongside them and risking their lives. Although they were still taking care of them, battles were intense. Standing there was risky, much less facing those mutated lifeforms.

Were they going to abandon them?

The guy on the helicopter smiled, but that smile was cruel.

He said so on purpose.

From his angle, Cloud Peak was about to be broken. If one weren’t stupid, they would know how to choose. Moreover, Liu Zhenghong and Le Dayuan’s technology would be needed in any faction, and they would be supported and protected.

The two of them would definitely follow them. No one would give up on their own lives.

Of course, to prevent some accidents, those words directly cut them off from Cloud Peak. They wouldn’t be able to stay even if they wanted to. Those words were like a needle, stabbing all hearts from Cloud Peak and Ying City. Even if this place wasn’t broken down, they couldn’t return.

Moreover, he didn’t lie. His faction did write to Liu Zhenghong.

“Sister Liu…”

“Grandmaster Le…”

Many people muttered. Xia Lei wasn’t here, so these two were Cloud Peak’s spines. They supported the morale of everyone here.

If they left, then… Was there a need to defend?

Even the mutated lifeforms outside paid attention to their choice, and their attacks slowed.

Rage flashed in Le Dayuan’s eyes. He waved his blade forward and sliced the ladder in front of him.


This crystal weapon father, who always had a good temper, shouted at the helicopter. Everyone could tell that he was furious.

The warriors were shocked. The suspicious looks they gave him disappeared, and all that was left was respect.

“Hit this thing down!”

Liu Zhenghong smiled coldly and looked at those people in disdain.

She couldn’t compare to Le Dayuan. Le Dayuan was saved by Ye Zhongming, who was entirely loya

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