Chapter 81- Gardener skill showing off
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 81- Gardener skill showing off

Mo Ye, Liang Chuyin, and Park Xiuying looked at Ye Zhongming swinging and were speechless. Did this fellow want to die? He gave up on these treasures and went hanging there?

"That, captain, this is your... That situation?"

Little Tiger looked at Ye Zhongming, who he felt was stupid, and asked Mo Ye.

In their unit, a situation often meant guys and girls who hadn't confirmed their relationships.

"Don't sprout nonsense!" Mo Ye stared, and that frightened Little Tiger, "Continue to observe. If we can then snatch something but pay attention to safety."

Cheng Ze was inside and lowered his head. He didn't look at Ye Zhongming, and his face was shocked.

He was holding a card. Maybe because someone else had it, the glow was gone, revealing a silver pattern.

"Hell Card Type, one-time summon, Hell Demon Dog."

"Summon a Hell Demon Dog to fight for you. Will disappear after ten minutes or after death."

Cheng Ze didn't expect such a thing to appear in the world.

He had seen evolved members fight one another and saw their unbelievable abilities. But when he held such a thing, the impact was more significant than anything else.

Mo Ye gave it to him to keep safe. When everyone was looking at Ye Zhongming, he also glanced, and he felt complicated.

If he had such ability yesterday, maybe everything would be different.

Many fresh faces appeared in his mind, and he held this card in pain.

He looked back to the guy slashing. This former police force teacher understood the choice that his favorite student made.


The pain from his right hand made Ye Zhongming sweat, but he had no choice. He could only wrap the ghost metal with that hand and slice with the other.

Chain Prisoner shook its body to try to fling this little thing off. This forced Ye Zhongming to reach his few movable fingers into his clothing to hold on. In a short moment, his right arm hurt increasingly, and his fingers even changed shape. If not for his evolved physique, his fingers would have been broken.

Ye Zhongming knew he couldn't hold for long and had to slice it off.

But the ghost metal was more challenging than he imagined. After dozens of slices, that hole only opened by a little. Who knew how many more slices that needed?

Give up? Ye Zhongming had to consider. He could slice the ghost metal because the few groups were fighting one another. Maybe in the next moment, someone would stop, and that could cause a chain reaction.

When the time comes, Ye Zhongming will be affected.


Like they were following his worries, the gunshots got weaker. Wang Ding charged and jumped to grab a treasure.

That caused the gunshots to fire once more. It lasted for a few seconds before stopping.

There were no more bullets. This wasn't a real battle, so there was no complete logistics support. Since the Monster Baby appeared, they had fired until now, so it was a surprise that it lasted so long.

Without the bullets' threat, the evolved's advantage was shown. Wang Ding and Captain Ye's team were unstoppable. Be it the trio or Mo Ye who wanted to take advantage, they couldn't. If not for them having more evolved, Wang Ding would have killed many to get all the treasures.

The area around was in chaos. Ye Zhongming didn't feel good either as the Chain Prisoner got mad. It used its blood trunk to scratch, hoping to strike the ant down.

That was effective, as Ye Zhongming nearly got hit a few times.

If this continued for a few more seconds, Ye Zhongming would have to jump off. He saw Mo Ye and the others being unable to hold on. Someone would die if this continued!

The moment before he wanted to give up, Ye Zhongming focused and saw a few fingernail-sized things on the blood trunk.

Ye Zhongming was delighted and reached the Moon Edge out to dig the black things. He didn't look closely and just tossed one to the gap of the ghost metal, and then he pointed at it.

Activate! Gardener skill!

Ye Zhonging recognized the black thing. It was the seed of a chomper. In his last life, this was an overbearing plant. Monsters brought them out of the dungeons, and they spread to a decent scale.

Blood Trunk was one that people were familiar with; they were the ancestors of the blood plant.

Ye Zhongming didn't expect seeds of the chompers on this blood trunk.

Seeds were best for gardeners, and he could use nurture, but Ye Zhongming didn't want a plant. He just wanted it to sprout.

Mental energy was sucked away, and Ye Zhongming felt a little weak. He had focused on replenishing mental energy, but that still caused his mental energy to get sucked out.

But he didn't dare to hold back, afraid it wouldn't reach its intended effect.

The chomper sprouted, and purple seedlings broke out. They were thin, but they had strong life force which burrowed into the cracks of the ghost metal, which pulled apart those cracks!

Ye Zhongming was delighted. Activate consumed the seed's life force, so it was only temporary. Although the seeds weren't as precious as the ghost metal, he had the gardener job, so they were precious too. If he failed this time, he would not get the ghost metal and would waste a precious chomper seed.

Fortunately, he succeeded!

He didn't hesitate, pulling his right hand from his lock. He used gravity to jump up and waved his blade to slice the expanding crack.


The sound of metal clanging covered the area, making people raise their heads to take a look. A black chain was broken, and after flying a few rounds, it started to land.

Wang Ding laughed and shouted thanks as he ran toward where the ghost metal had landed.

He didn't know what it was, but seeing how the young man he feared wanted to get it so much that he risked his life, even a fool knew it was good.

On close look, the ghost metal Ye Zhongming spent so much effort to get would fall into his hands. When Mo Ye and the rest despaired, a yellow figure dashed out. Before Wang Ding arrived, it bit the ghost metal!

The Chain Prisoner was infuriated when a part of its chain was sliced off. The greenhorn on its head shone brightly. It roared and then shot out streaks of light that smashed all around. The area around the ruins turned into hell on Earth.

Ye Zhongming had used up all his energy and fell to the ground. Mo Ye and the others rushed over to help the exhausted man whose mouth was bleeding profusely.

"Leave!" Ye Zhongming shouted out in a daze. After which, he fell unconscious.

Novel Notes

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