Chapter 783- Digging a trench
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 783- Digging a trench

Three kilometers from the battlefield, Ye Zhongming noticed a bunch of Demon Monsters in the Exquisite Floating Ball's images. They surrounded a wheel.

Comparing it to the demon monsters around, this wasn’t an ordinary wheel as it was huge.

A special wheel?

Ye Zhongming was deep in thought. He linked it to the secret reason why C Zone was here. Was it because of this wheel?

It was close… The demon monsters were guarding it…

Ye Zhongming placed the images together. He tried to find C Zone’s movement path from the battle marks. He found a line, and it actually aimed at the wheel.

Ye Zhongming was 70% confident that this was C Zone’s goal.

So, what kind of wheel was this?

Ye Zhongming observed the situation around and understood. No wonder the C Zone warriors were trapped. There was only one path to the wheel and there were mountains beside with mutated plants on them. This was a dangerous land for other lifeforms.

Ye Zhongming was tempted. This was a habit he had when he saw prey. Of course, this meant getting stronger and gaining more things.

He saw the two teams that were surrounded and this increased his desire for more teleportation equipment. If he had a teleportation devices, he could teleport people from Ying City and Cloud Peak. Ying City didn’t fear thee 200-300 thousand demon monsters.

Ye Zhongming started to think. He had to save them. Firstly, it was because he ordered Ying City to follow them. Just the wheel also attracted him. Not only did he want to save them, but he also wanted to see what the wheel was and what rewards were on it.

Moreover, he brought 50 thousand people. Although they weren’t too strong they couldn’t be overlooked. It was a waste just to leave.

But they couldn’t charge foolishly. They would end up like those two teams in front of them. He needed some patience and some time.

Ye Zhongming made his mind up. He came before the survivors that were resting and told everyone about the situation.

Many people wanted to retreat immediately as there were too many monsters. The hu

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