Chapter 1229- Cloud Peak defense system
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 1229- Cloud Peak defense system

When Ye Zhongming finally returned to Cloud Peak, he felt a little foreign.

Things weren’t completed with Saint Light Hall after the agreement was reached. There were still many details to discuss and things to communicate.

Although others did most things, Ye Zhongming had to make decisions and decide on crucial details. Thus, he spent some more time in the Secret Realm.

War not only brought injuries and pain but also benefits.

Cloud Peak spent so much effort, fighting a level nine person and paying huge prices, so it was time for the rewards.

These rewards weren’t too obvious quickly, but some areas could be seen instantly.

For example, Cloud Peak’s changes.

Posthumous People’s ordinary people were waiting in Cloud Peak for the results. Although they were nervous, they still helped Cloud Peak.

To them, they felt that it could make Cloud Peak help them more.

The most obvious thing would be their modification of the Cloud Peak walls.

Although many didn’t participate in constructing the Imperial City’s wall, they had a deep understanding of its structure. They also participated in maintaining and repairing the walls and had experience in such work.

After understanding some materials from Earth, they merged this with the evolved’s special abilities and items from the wheel to create a set of blueprints.

Ye Zhongming talked about it when he was far away in Bright Water World. Xia Lei, Mo Ye, and the others supported them, and these Posthumous People got to work.

When Ye Zhongming returned, he saw numerous deep foundations with Cloud Peak at the core and stretching down the mountain.

When he returned, the foundations were gone, and what replaced them were various defensive structures.

These were dazzling.

Ye Zhongming saw many fortresses rising. Between them were many castles that formed a ten-kilometer-long defensive system.

On the path between these defensive fortresses were crystal cannons, giant crossbows, trebuchets, etc. The weapons might be less mobile because they were being used as foundations,

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