Chapter 1125- Sudden Collapse
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 1125- Sudden Collapse (Teaser)

He had to gamble because he was already very nervous now.

Or rather, he was confident that his side would win but was afraid that accidents might happen.

In his heart, he realized that he was overconfident. Cloud Peak’s boss was more problematic than he thought.

To ensure victory, he gambled to see who could kill the other first.

He waved his arms. Much of the black mist gathered towards his side. At the same time, some on the bodies of the warriors were split over to him.

This was very similar to when he used the black flame blade.

The chief planned to use the team buff’s strongest attack to break the situation.

If he could use his attack to kill these fellows, even Ye Zhongming, victory would be his. If he couldn’t kill Ye Zhongming directly, the battle would lean toward them as long as he killed enough wooden puppets.

He just had to ensure… That Ye Zhongming didn’t kill him when he was using the attack.


In that meeting room, the three deacons faced a choice when the Royal Guild chief was gambling.

That was a choice t