Chapter 1072- Difficult to split
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 1072- Difficult to split (Teaser)

Ye Zhongming was furious, but only that, he was still rational.

He felt that since these people wanted to die, he should use them. Otherwise, he would be wasting the evolution potions they had used.

Ye Zhongming waved, and a blue oval-shaped piece of equipment appeared under his feet.

That caused Di Jiu and the others to stop, and they were in disbelief.

They didn’t know where he took the item from.

“Give me your meat, and I will give each of you some equipment.”

Ye Zhongming said it to Zhang Xingtai and the others. Although they knew that Ye Zhongming was a Smith with space equipment and definitely had good things, the suddenly appearing blue equipment still attracted their attention.

They had never seen such a piece of equipment.

The only female warrior was first to react. She tossed the meat beneath his feet, and then the other two followed.

Ye Zhongming tapped the hive, and four modified Needle Birds flew out.

It looked magical, but…

Di Jiu and the others were stunned when they saw the few small demon monsters before they burst ou