Chapter 1050- Pulsator Mansion
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 1050- Pulsator Mansion (Teaser)

The sudden appearance of the light prison caused this level-eight expert to hesitate, and he could not break free.

He calculated it. If he tried to dodge, his body might touch the barrier, which was dangerous before he understood what this thing was.

Moreover, he was about to use his skill, and moving would break his channel.

He was very confident in his attack.

There was still an eye on this palm, but the eye was red like Ya Tian’s.

The guy glanced at the barrier that covered himself and the cavalier silver zombie charging at the back. He had a look of disdain on his face. The red eye lit up, and a thick red energy pillar charged forward.

This red light lit up half the mountain.

Park Xiuying spat out a mouthful of blood.

She fell from the three-nosed elephant’s body and fainted.

When she used the barrier, she knew that everything ended. There were two outcomes. Her side didn’t kill that person, and she died. The other was that the guy died, and she was safe even if she fainted.

The outcome was the latter.

The light prison had a weird