Chapter 1045- Sunset Saint Light
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 1045- Sunset Saint Light (Teaser)

Let’s shift our view to the city.

When Ye Zhongming was fighting on the walls to stop Saint Light Hall’s elite squad, a surprising battle occurred in the Imperial City.

Cloud Peak built a temporary hospital with Park Xiuying leading the way. It wasn’t far from the walls.

The hospital was split into two parts. The front would receive the injured and use Saint Water immediately. The Posthumous people warriors who weren’t sensitive to the effects of the Saint water would be healed by some healers that Cloud Peak recruited. Those who stabilized would be sent to Cloud Peak to rest. Those who were still injured would be sent to the back part of the hospital. Park Xiuying and the newly built support squad were there.

Previously, Ye Zhongming and the few kings carried many injured members from parts of the walls and sent those people here.

After the battle began, this place became very important—even more important than the Omnipotent God Hall. It was even on the same level as the Saint Pool.

It was because this place could save lives.
