Chapter 77.5 - You Pass
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Long Nuhuang unsheathed the sword that she used to behead Long Yan not long ago.

The royal looked at her with the same expression of amusement he always did. “You would put yourself against me? You would suffer hurt for him?”

She snarled her response. “I will make you bleed for him!”


Long Huangdi was in a perilous situation!

He could feel the oppressive killing intent that the enormous dragon before him radiated!

It was a tsunamic entity in itself!

He could hear the shrieks of his wife in the distance, but unfortunately the fight he was trapped in disallowed him the luxury to see what was happening. Thankfully, it was a shriek of anger, most likely because of his current predicament, and not of danger.

Long Huangdi expertly dodged all the blows that the dragon levied against him.

“Long Jiao, what is all this!? What reason do you have to kill me!? Just because you don’t like me warrants my death by you!?”

“Your death has been ordered by the royal emissary! Your wife grows stronger by the day, but she is held back by a parasitic pile of dung! She is laughable, but you are pathetic!”

As he said this, he sent his claws barrelling towards Long Huangdi! The air screamed in protest at the speed and power of this blow!

Long Huangdi executed a movement technique that allowed him to avoid the blow by the skin of his teeth!

“Long Jiao, if I have done something wrong, tell me what it is and I will correct it!” Long Huangdi’s fire of fight was only a smouldering ember at this time of his life.

It was his wife that encouraged him to live day by day. It was for her sake that he would cast away his pride and try to appease this overbearing monster to the best of his abilities.

“Pitiful!” Long Jiao spat at Long Huangdi’s attempt to submit and compromise!

At this time, all the clansmen came to the mouth of the cave they resided in and saw the fight between Long Jiao and Long Huangdi. Though in this case, it would be more accurate to call it a game of cat and mouse, and it wasn’t hard to imagine who assumed which

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