Chapter 171 - Primal Human
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The Lineage Crystal was different from your average Race Conversion Quests. The races players could convert to using the Lineage Crystal wasn't fixed. Instead, the Lineage Crystal would provide players with a list of optimal races after scanning their current abilities and potential. Meanwhile, the Lineage Crystal identified players' potential through the degree of control they could exert over their bodies.

A player's potential was especially important when using an Advanced Lineage Crystal. Any expert beneath the Domain Realm would only get to choose from the most common higher lifeforms. In such cases, players would only have slightly stronger Physique and Basic Attributes than players who had used a normal Lineage Crystal.

Players could only utilize an Advanced Lineage Crystal to its full potential after reaching the Domain Realm. At that time, they'd have a chance of converting into powerful higher lifeforms such as Demidragons and High Elves and gaining strength that would allow them to look down on others of the same tier. They'd gain strength rivaling Archaic Species of the same tier.

Meanwhile, the requirements to use a Primal Lineage Crystal were even higher.

Not only did players have to reach the Domain Realm, but they'd also need to have considerable achievements in the Realms of Truth. At the very least, anyone thinking of using a Primal Lineage Crystal should be at the Transcendental Realm, the third level of the Realms of Truth, to make full use of the Primal Lineage Crystal.

Fortunately, Shi Feng had already mastered the Transcendental Realm.

After Shi Feng completed the dozen or so instructions listed on the Primal Lineage Crystal's description, three options appeared before him.

The first option was a Dragonoid. If he chose this option, he would gain a three-meter-tall body with a tail and arms covered in scales.

Dragonoids were different from Demidragons. They were one of the primal lifeforms in God's Domain. They were the result of Dragons abandoning their draconic form and taking on human-like

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Novel Notes

TL Notes(12th-May-2023):
Uh, I finally have advanced chapters now. There will only be one tier, which is 5$ to read 10 chapters ahead for a month.
If you have money to spare, please give it to me. :)
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