New Novel: Timeless Love (When Bright Moon Encounter the Dark Clouds)
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New Novel: Timeless Love (When Bright Moon Encounter the Dark Clouds)

We have another new novel coming it. Let's welcome Blender_Gaming with Timeless Love (When Bright Moon Encounter the Dark Clouds). This is a romance and suspense/mystery genre novel that will be released daily. This novel had been published through traditional publishing, aka printed, rather than web novel style. It even has a drama being made. The author of this novel is quite accomplished and already has a few books to her name, and a few of them had been adapted to movies or dramas. Due to the fact that this had been through traditional publishing, I would expect this novel to feel more polished. I believe we are looking at about three hundred-odd chapters, so it should likely complete after one year.

The translator on this series is Blender_Gaming, who had been translating at Gravity Tales and Webnovel since 2018. Due to some unfortunate circumstances, he could not complete what he had been working on. However, all the same, he is still a translator with plenty of experience. 

Do show your support and check it out.