Chapter 86: Weird Giant Tree (3)
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Weird Live Broadcast: I Can Deduce Endlessly Chapter 86: Weird Giant Tree (3)

Gu Yi carefully pondered the details from earlier.

Miss Cat's ability was to transform into a ghost and use psychic attacks to scare enemies to death, but Gradma's lucky pouch could withstand Miss Cat's mental assaults, making her less formidable.

Mr. Rat's strength was comparable to that of an adult male, but he was smaller in size. He could manipulate the giant tree with weird powers and summon a horde of rats to attack, but using conventional weapons should be enough to drive him away.

However, even if Gu Yi managed to burn down the giant tree, he couldn't escape his sister's punishment.

Gu Yi still had no clue about his sister's weakness.

"Should I first find a way to free those innocent children?"

In the breeding area, there were many children who had been abducted and sold. Is there a way to rescue them first?

Or perhaps, I could seek help from other more powerful forces to take down their base?

After a moment of contemplation, Gu Yi decided to change his approach.

(Backtracking begins!)

(You stand at a crossroads and head toward the breeding area.)

(You bite your lip, using the pain to keep yourself awake.)

(You arrive at the breeding area.)

(Your breath quickens, and your mind becomes unsteady.)

(You sprinkle the white bone branches with spirit and light them on fire.)

(The branches catch fire easily, and the entire area is illuminated by the flames in no time.)

(The sounds of wailing echo in your ears, nearly driving you to the brink of collapse.)

(You leave the breeding area and encounter the staff rushing to put out the fire.)

(They chase after you.)

(You dash towards the exit while making a frantic call to the police.)

(Most people are busy fighting the fire, and only a few employees follow you.)

(You reach the ground outside and hide in the moonlit darkness.)

(Thick smoke emanates from the ground.)

(You hear the sirens of police cars and fire trucks.)

(Cat and rat couple step outside the door, preventing the firefighters from entering.)

(The police arrive at the scene.)


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