Chapter 150: Your Own Freedom (3)
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Weird Live Broadcast: I Can Deduce Endlessly Chapter 150: Your Own Freedom (3)

"Eat up quickly!"

The jailer hit Gu Yi hard on the head.

Gu Yi abruptly opened his eyes, nearly choking again on the swill and leftover food.

"Cough, cough..."

Suppressing his nausea, Gu Yi pretended to eat a couple of bites.

This deduction had set a new low.

The requirement for the exam was "to achieve your freedom during the test," and he had been striving for his freedom, but the outcomes weren't yielding higher scores.

After a moment of contemplation, Gu Yi decided to make a second attempt.

(The deduction begins!)

(You quietly eat your meal.)

(After lunch, you work together with everyone.)

(On the work site, a slave suddenly dies.)

(You are asked to help carry the body.)

(You assist the jailer in placing the body in the trash bin.)

(You are sent back to the quarry to work with everyone.)

(Two hours later, you are assigned to move items on the production line, transporting dream fragments.)

(After the transport, the jailers use instruments to check all the slaves, ensuring no one is hiding dream fragments.)

(After dinner, you and the other slaves are herded into the bathhouse for a bath.)

(You stay in the big bathtub with all the other slaves.)

(The slaves rarely showed smiles, but in the bathtub, they chatted, laughed, and even sang occasionally.)

(You suddenly feel a sense of comfort, almost wishing to stay there forever, not wanting to leave.)

(Instinctively realizing this thought is dangerous, you quickly use psychological suggestion on yourself to eliminate such ideas.)

(Bath time ends, and you leave the bathhouse.)

(You and the other slaves return to your cells to sleep.)

(Your exam time is over.)

(The voice of the Invigilator reaches your ears.)

(Invigilator: Temporary freedom, Emotionality: 6, Rationality: 6.)

(You end the deduction!)

"Damn it, it's really like that!"

Gu Yi opened his eyes, cursing under his breath.

Just like the previous exams, the scoring criteria were twisting the values of the examinees.

In this exam, the so-called "Your Own Freedom" was a false proposi

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