Chapter 36 - Cornelia's Many Talents
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There's Absolutely No Problem With The Magic Cards I Made! Chapter 36 - Cornelia's Many Talents

The hallways of the Demon Academy were dimly lit. Both sides of the walls were covered in flickering light that casted blurry shadows.

Cornelia was carrying Dekan down the hallway.

Dekan was resting with his eyes closed.

Aside from a slight headache, he had mostly recovered.

Suddenly, Cornelia seemed to have noticed something and her brows furrowed slightly.

"Dekan, it seems there's movement," Cornelia suddenly lowered her head and whispered softly in Dekan's ear.

Dekan replied, "Pinpoint the location."

Cornelia activated the spell card Dekan had given her earlier, “Echo Location."

[Echo Location]

[Category: Spell Card]

[Quality: Blue Uncommon]

[Tier: 1]

[Effect: Perceive the location of individuals within a 100-meter radius.]

[Note: Cannot be blocked by visual camouflage skills.]

Since Dekan lacked any close combat abilities, in their two-person team, Cornelia had to take on multiple roles such as the tank, scout, and DPS.

Although her designated role wasn't a scout, her formidable physical abilities, combined with her exceptional perception, made her on par with a scout of the same tier who possessed recon skills.

Plus, she could pick locks and had excellent assassination abilities. With a few utility spell cards with low consumption, she could even double as a scout.

"It’s not the principal; there are two people following us," Cornelia quietly informed Dekan.

"Keep walking as if you haven't noticed anything," Dekan instructed.

After a while, he whispered to Cornelia, "Are they still following us?"

Cornelia checked before replying, "Yes."

At this point, the school had been set to class time so there shouldn't be any other demon students in the hallway besides the principal. Demons wouldn't dare to follow them.

Most likely, the people following them were the final two challengers.

According to Dekan's estimation, they were probably a tier 5 and a tier 3. At the very least, there should be one tier 5 among them.

Regardless of their strength, Dekan wasn't eager to engage them right now. Even

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Novel Notes

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Current schedule is a bit unstable. But I will try to get 5chapters/week. Been a bit difficult, having some depression issues lately.