Chapter 27- Dekan's Curriculum Reform Plan
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There's Absolutely No Problem With The Magic Cards I Made! Chapter 27- Dekan's Curriculum Reform Plan

"This school's curriculum is too intensive."

"The students have lost their smiles."

"I need to reform their classes."

Dekan hurriedly moved between a row of magical devices, carrying a toolbox filled with various commonly used magical engineering tools.

Although the designs of these tools had a distinct underworld style, they were functional.

He had borrowed them from the classrooms that Baron Bacher had attacked earlier.

Cornelia followed him, occasionally helping him carry heavy objects.

Both of them were now in the school's broadcast room, where they had piled up the bodies of demons and were diligently "repairing" the broadcast equipment.

Of course, they hadn't been the ones to defeat these demons.

It was Baron Bacher who had slaughtered them in his madness.

If it were the two of them, they would have ensured that the demons contributed more before their demise.

Dekan had chosen the rooms that Baron Bacher had been lured to destroy carefully.

First, he targeted the demon workshop, followed by the broadcast room.

After Baron Bacher had wreaked havoc in these two rooms, Dekan had him destroy a third, less important classroom nearby.

Once Baron Bacher had completed his mission, Dekan and Cornelia thoroughly searched all three rooms.

Then they brought the materials and tools they needed to the broadcast room.

Enough to make the modifications Dekan had in mind.

The most significant hindrance to their happy campus life in this school was undoubtedly the principal who patrolled the corridors.

When Cornelia had encountered the principal earlier, she was certain that she stood no chance against him, with no resistance whatsoever.

According to their estimation, teachers like Baron Bacher were probably at tier 5 in terms of strength, while the principal, as an elite staff member, was likely at tier 6.

Dekan and Cornelia would have a difficult time trying to deal with the principal.

However, there was no need for them to challenge the principal in the first place.

After all, there was nothing valuable

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Release schedule: 5ch/wk

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