Chapter - 182 Dekan's Ultimate Joy Card (Long Chapter)
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There's Absolutely No Problem With The Magic Cards I Made! Chapter - 182 Dekan's Ultimate Joy Card (Long Chapter)

According to legends, there existed a level above the "Orange Epic,” the "Red Legendary." Many people aren't even sure if such a level of card truly exists in the present world. When Dekan asked Ice Princess about it, she said she was quite certain that she couldn't make a Red Legendary card. Even a tier 1 Red Legendary card was beyond her abilities. But Dekan had the idea to give it a try this time. He wanted to see what level of card he could create when he put forth his best effort.

Neither hurried nor slow, Dekan first calmly cleared his workstation. His workstation was already covered with material calculations, production process designs, and notes written in magical script. When Cornelia visited him earlier, he was almost finished tidying up. Moreover, Dekan's card-making workshop has been upgraded with the highest-grade equipment provided by the Card Maker's Association.

After clearing the workspace to spaciousness, Dekan opened the storage cabinet. Despite being filled with various materials, the top layer held several divided trays. These were the materials that Dekan had already prepared and measured. Taking them out, Dekan applied his well-honed skills, calmly and skillfully handling the materials. Not only was he talented with a keen intellect, but he also put in efforts several times that of others, honing his basics to perfection.

The card Dekan was about to make was an equipment card. Just purchasing the materials for this card had used up most of his savings to date. The amount of materials was staggering, to the point where even the wealthy Princess Alice would be amazed and ask Dekan what he was planning to make this time.

Because Dekan had the highest level of privileges at the Norton Kingdom's branch of the Card Maker's Association, President Leyun quickly procured all the materials he needed. He even gave Dekan a tremendous price discount. That was how Dekan managed to swiftly gather all these materials.

Most of them were materials of the tier 4 epic demon category, along with the highest

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Current schedule is a bit unstable. But I will try to get 5chapters/week. Been a bit difficult, having some depression issues lately.