Chapter 172 - Dekan Starts Exploiting The Resurgence Church Followers
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There's Absolutely No Problem With The Magic Cards I Made! Chapter 172 - Dekan Starts Exploiting The Resurgence Church Followers

"Of course, Milord Marquess," Countess Lysilina responded from outside the door, receiving Mauleon's approval.

The countess's voice couldn't hide her joyful mood. However, there seemed to be a slight disappointment, and a bit of anticipation.

Not having the chance to meet "Marquess Roderick" at this moment and not being able to see "Marquess Roderick" again tonight… it was like a lovesick girl's longing.

Dekan listened to the movements and footsteps outside the door, sure that the poor vampire, whose emotions had been completely deceived by Mauleon, would soon leave.

Two attendants were left waiting at the door.

"How should we proceed with this encounter..." Dekan muttered.

Although they knew that the vampires wouldn't easily escape the mansion and be bathed in sunlight, dealing with five full health tier 6 vampire servants plus Countess Lysilina in the mansion was still too troublesome.

If only they had powerful explosives, they could just blow up the mansion and deal with the vampires under the sun as if slicing through fruits and vegetables.

Unfortunately, unlike the time in Tristin, there was no backup support in the city. Even though they could buy explosives from the guild with money, buying so much powerful explosive and then heading straight to the lord's mansion... no knight would turn a blind eye to such behavior.

So, if they wanted to solve these vampires in the simplest way without harming the innocent, it seemed they could only exploit the three prisoners.

A perfect labor force.

After all, Dekan didn't like getting his hands dirty.

If he could avoid it, he would rather sit on the sidelines and watch others fight for him.

Dekan shook his head helplessly, gently poking Cornelia's cheek.

"Hmm?" Cornelia opened her eyes, looking at Dekan beside her.

"It's time for us to get to work."

"Alright," Cornelia quickly woke up, feeling refreshed.

The two of them put on masks and left the room.

They had disguised their hair color as black using magic potions they bought in the guild. After all, th

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Novel Notes

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Current schedule is a bit unstable. But I will try to get 5chapters/week. Been a bit difficult, having some depression issues lately.