Book 01 Chapter 06.18 - Whale Song
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The Undying had been dealt with. At this time, a sharp whistle rose abruptly.

A large number of overseers, draped in broad robes, wielding cleavers, swarmed in and surrounded Xing Mo and the workers beside her.

"Drop the wand!" An overseer shouted at Xing Mo, "You are illegally trespassing! You..."

He tried to push through the crowd, to seize Xing Mo's wand, but then was shoved back.

It took him a moment to realize that it was a worker who had pushed him.

The workers, who usually moved like walking corpses, shuffling weakly about, now were full of life, the eyes of their dust-covered faces seemingly ablaze.

"Do you want to die? Want to be fed the fish in the sea?" The overseer roared.

He was furious, yet there was an instinctive fear in his tone, like a sheepdog realizing its fangs were not so effective against a rebelling flock.

At this moment, golden light erupted—


Sir Derek Larson, dressed in a respectable attire, fell to the ground. He strained to get up and run toward the overseers, but then was struck down once again by golden light.

The overseers turned their gazes to the source of the golden light—a middle-aged man in a black trench coat, brandishing a wand, his eyes flashing with golden light.

"I'll ask you one last time!" Professor Lucius bellowed, "Who! Killed! Miriam!"

"I don't know... I really..."

Sir Derek crawled toward the overseers, but then another golden flash exploded behind him.


He fell to the ground again, and before he could get up, Lucius was upon him, grabbing him by the hair.

"Every time you say 'I don't know,' your pretty face will kiss the ground." Lucius spoke rapidly, "Go on, say it! Say you don't know!"

"I... I... I really... don't..."

Before Sir Derek could finish speaking, Lucius slammed his head into the ground, and a blood-curdling scream mingled with the sound of cracking bones rose.


"Say it! Say it! Say you don't know!"

"I really don't... Ahhhh!"

The brutal scene caused the overseers to step back in fear. Despite the middle-aged man

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