Book 01 Chapter 02.08 - Little Trick
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The Defeated Saintess Is On A Journey To Tame The Evil God Book 01 Chapter 02.08 - Little Trick

"Eh~ Are you curious?" Aurora's voice was languid.

"If you don't share information with me, it will be difficult for me to assist you." Xing Mo pointed out.

"You're right. But this information might be a bit too shocking for you." Aurora murmured, "Let's think about it... should I tell you..."

Xing Mo creased her pretty eyebrows, then extended her finger and gently poked Aurora's face: "Spill it out."

"Who allowed you to poke my face. That's blasphemy, blasphemy~" Aurora dodged Xing Mo's finger, as if a kitten that refused to play with its master, even though this kitten was actually the master.

Her reaction startled Xing Mo. She realized that her interaction with Aurora had become increasingly more intimate.

How strange... she is clearly an evil entity that profanes against the Goddess. She even coerced me to help her steal Saint Auroth Cathedral's faith...

Xing Mo looked at herself in confusion. She suddenly realized she had been with Aurora for only a short two days, yet her impression of her as an "Evil God" had already faded.

Ever since she was little, Xing Mo had kept to herself. She rarely spoke, calmly dissecting with her eyes every person that passed by.

Therefore, whenever Aurora displayed traits that clearly didn't belong to her, Xing Mo could see through them at a glance.

But... she still subconsciously became a lot more intimate with Aurora. Why was that?

Was it due to the influence of the Evil God's brand? Was because Aurora's acting was really excellent?

Aurora suddenly noticed that Xing Mo's finger stopped in midair, then raised her head and saw a shade of confusion twinkling in her Saintess's eyes.

The small lass seemed to realize something, and then—

—she bit Xing Mo's finger.

"Ouch!" Xing Mo suddenly snapped out of it, "What are you doing?"

"You shouldn't space out while trying to please your master." Aurora stuck out her tongue, "Don't forget your duty, Young Saintess."

This lass seems to treat intimate contact as the servant trying to please the master... that's really simpl

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