Chapter 264: Release of True Ancestor 1, The Natural Sexy Beauty Queen
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Swear Fealty To Me, My Subjects! Chapter 264: Release of True Ancestor 1, The Natural Sexy Beauty Queen

Fiends were immortal.

As broadly defined clones of the goddess, fiends could live and die with their goddess. If they were killed in the mortal world, they could only be expelled back to the Nether Realm temporarily. These losers would slowly absorb the energy of the Nether Realm and wait to be resurrected.

By sending the Gospel Blood Cavalry cannon fodder to their deaths, Rayne successfully used the Nether Realm corruption to chase away the werewolf guards of Blood Furnace Zero.

Before the mages in charge of purifying the corruption arrived at the scene, Rayne and the others quickly moved True Ancestor 1 away.

Typically speaking, this operation would not succeed so easily.

A well-established guard squad would not have a moment to let their protection target leave their sight.

Logically speaking, even if the mages were to purify the corruption, a group of people should be left behind to continue guarding the blood furnace.

The werewolves were not really afraid that those rat-eaters in the sewers would come and steal the furnace.

The main thing was that the thing in the furnace might break out of prison to begin with. Furthermore, once it broke out, it might destroy the entire set of order that Eternal Night currently had.

However, with Hedwig and Rayne cooperating from the inside, the werewolf guards had no choice but to risk breaking the rules and retreat at the fastest speed possible.

Thereafter, Rayne succeeded.

Opening the blood coffin, Prosperity fished out True Ancestor 1 from the scarlet alchemy liquid that was as hot as lava.

True Ancestor 1.

Sharley Aethelred

If Tyrapotter's physique was that of a young girl and Cowper's physique was that of a fully developed young woman…

As for this one, she was a perfectly mature beauty who emitted suffocating female hormones.

Similar to the descendants who received her First Kiss, this Matriarch who symbolized the origin of the vampires had golden hair as dazzling as gold itself.

Through her eyes that were tightly shut in pain, a scarlet luster as bright as gems could b

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Past Xianxia Works:
The Strongest System(Took over from Chapter 101 till the end)
Eternal Sacred King (Took over from Chapter 61)