Chapter 14
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As Song Yingshi stared at Huai Xu, someone beside her interrupted her thoughts, exclaiming, "Yingshi, how many years have you been dancing? You're so great at it!"

"I've been practicing on and off for about ten years," Song Yingshi answered as she smiled and turned to face the excited and blushing girl. Then, moving on from this topic, she faced the rest of the class and clapped her hands, saying, "Come on, I'll help you all practice! The instructor has left you in my hands! Don't be shy if you have any questions!"

As the music looped, everyone began earnestly practicing the dance moves and facial expression management.

Like the dance instructor's approach, Song Yingshi would individually correct those who made mistakes. However, unlike when they were dealing with the dance instructor, the trainees of Class 2 were much more relaxed when they received guidance from her, a testament to her likable personality.

Furthermore, whenever Song Yingshi's "students" managed to correct their mistakes, she would smile and offer them compliments such as:

"You're learning fast. Keep using this posture for this move."

"Great job. See, you can do it after all."

Perhaps Song Yingshi was just too beautiful, or maybe it was her sincerity when complimenting others, but many girls would blush with embarrassment when praised by her.

Regardless, Song Yingshi had thoroughly revitalized the atmosphere surrounding Class 2's dance lesson.

Even as class was about to end, the atmosphere remained lively. Song Yingshi even saw some trainees exchanging pointers with one another, and she couldn't help but be satisfied by the fruit of her efforts. She was also glad she didn't disappoint the dance instructor's expectations.

After correcting another trainee, Song Yingshi noticed Huai Xu practicing nearby. With nothing better to do, she placed a hand on Huai Xu's shoulder and whispered, "Well? What do you think of my teaching?"

Huai Xu paused her practice and stared at Song Yingshi. When she saw the expectant look on Song Yingshi, her lips curved into

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Novel Notes

Other novels I translate on Hosted Novel:
Miss Cousin is Always Busy (MCAB)(Yuri/GL, Quick Transmigration)
Give Me Another Smile (GMAS)(Yuri/GL, Reincarnation)