Chapter 240 - A Decision That Would Affect The Rest of Tian Tian’s Life
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Shura's Wrath Chapter 240 - A Decision That Would Affect The Rest of Tian Tian’s Life

A Decision That Would Affect The Rest of Tian Tian's Life

Translator/Editor: Mr Voltaire

Suddenly, Ling Chen heard there were footsteps coming from behind him. By the time he had noticed, the footsteps were already very close. All of his attention was focused on making love to Shui Ruo, so he had not noticed until it was too late. Ling Chen looked over, and his eyes met a pair of shocked, widened eyes¦

Tian Tian was standing behind him, her mouth wide open as she stared at their ˜union'.

Ling Chen: "!@#$%&¦"

Seeing Tian Tian standing behind them, Ling Chen felt as if a massive lightning bolt had hit him in the head. He froze, and stared back at Tian Tian.

Beneath him, Shui Ruo had no idea that Tian Tian was standing right there. She breathed raggedly, and licked her lips with her tongue. After feeling that Ling Chen had stopped moving, she gasped, "Big brother¦ don't stop, hurry up and do me."

Ling Chen: "¦¦."

A stream of cold sweat tricked down from Ling Chen's forehead as he debated whether or not he should continue moving. Seeing Tian Tian's reaction, he could tell that she would not be forgetting about this anytime soon. This reaction told him that her mother had already told him about ˜interactions' between men and women, but evidently she had never seen it so up close before.



The first cry of shock and surprise came from Tian Tian. Seeing this sort of thing for the first time, Tian Tian covered her eyes, turned around and ran away while screaming. She ran into the bedroom and slammed the door shut. The second cry came from Shui Ruo. Tian Tian's scream caused her to yell out in shock even louder. She quickly grabbed her clothes and put them over herself. She unwrapped her legs from around Ling Chen's waist, and tried to move Ling Chen off herself. However, Ling Chen did not budge, keeping them connected.

Goddamit, when did that little brat come out from the game? And she had been so silent when she woke up! What the hell!

"Big brother¦ what to do¦ what to do¦ Tian Tian saw us¦ what to do¦" Shui Ruo's fa

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