Chapter 1002 - Kill Secured
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What a strong life aura!

Shi Feng was shocked as he looked at Phoenix Rain.

Starting from Tier 3, a player's life aura would become obvious. Although the strength of a player's life aura didn't directly correlate with their strength in combat, it could accurately represent their Life Rating.

Normally, the higher a player's tier, the higher their Life Rating would become. Upon reaching Tier 6, a player's life aura would feel like a flowing lake in the perception of others, making it very difficult to conceal. Only after reaching the Domain Realm could players barely hide their life aura from others.

In Phoenix Rain's case, her life aura had reached a point where it wasn't only mentally perceivable by others but also visible to the naked eye. Compared to the life aura of other Tier 6 players, the difference was like night and day. They couldn't even be compared on the same scale. If someone were to say Phoenix Rain was a Primordial God, nobody would doubt it.

While the players on the battlefield remained frozen, the Undying Mother quickly resumed its attack. The 31 amorphous hands in the air stacked on top of one another to form a miniature planet with a radius of over 100,000 yards, blotting out the sun. Then, the Undying Mother swung the miniature planet down upon the crater. The pressure the miniature planet exerted as it descended toward the ground made even Juggernaut's face change color.

A multifold Pseudo-Tier 7 Spell?

Shi Feng's expression also turned ugly as he looked at the miniature planet. He could tell that the attack had already exceeded the limits of Tier 6 Skills and Spells. Its power rivaled that of Pseudo-Tier 7 Skills and Spells, and multifold versions at that. With this attack, the Undying Mother could likely trade a few blows with a Primordial God of the same level.

As the miniature planet plunged from the sky and everyone felt the approach of death, Phoenix Rain suddenly raised her staff and created an enormous magic circle underfoot. The magic circle covered a radius of 10,000 yards, and it ram

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