Chapter 935 - Top 10 Teams
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Silence enveloped the battlefield following Bladeweaver's death. The players who had witnessed his death were especially terrified as they looked at Purgatory Jade.

The Evil Nature members engaged in battle with Zero Wing's forces might have been too busy to care about anything else, but it was a different story for the spectating players. They all saw the fight between Purgatory Jade and Bladeweaver.

In essence, Purgatory Jade had executed only one move against Bladeweaver. Unlike when she fought Unseeing Demon, she did not trade blows with Bladeweaver but defeated him with absolute speed.

As soon as their fight began, Purgatory Jade surrounded Bladeweaver with hundreds of afterimages and attacked him from all directions. Although Bladeweaver tried his best to block and dodge Purgatory Jade's attacks, his HP kept decreasing, and he died a few seconds later.

Of course, this wasn't to say that Bladeweaver was weak. It was just that he wasn't as well-rounded as Unseeing Demon. Having specialized in defense, he hadn't grasped any Peak Gold Holy Arts that amplified his Movement Speed and Attack Speed. Hence, even though he was superior to Purgatory Jade in Basic Attributes, he was still slower than her. This flaw allowed Purgatory Jade to land an attack once every few attempts, the compounding effects of which caused his swift demise.

Furthermore, Bladeweaver had fought Purgatory Jade without support, as the Dragon's Crown youths occupied the Evil Nature team leaders. If he had even one healer assisting him, Purgatory Jade could never have killed him.

Before Slumbering Vocalist could come to his senses, Purgatory Jade appeared near him, evidently looking to cooperate with Kowloon Demon.

"Dammit!" Slumbering Vocalist frowned when he saw Purgatory Jade. He already had his hands full dealing with Kowloon Demon. If Purgatory Jade, who was even stronger than Kowloon Demon, joined the fight, he would share Bladeweaver's fate.

Upon thinking up to this point, Slumbering Vocalist gritted his teeth, pulled out a crimson stone, a

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