**Chapter sponsored with thanks to Christina and Anjalus**
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Peerless Battle Spirit **Chapter sponsored with thanks to Christina and Anjalus**

The intersection of the lower district and the upper district was a huge mountain range, known as the Heavenly Barrier Mountain Range. The mountain range was eight thousand nine hundred li long, which looked like a godly sword lying on the ground from afar, resulting in a formidable sight.

In the Heavenly Barrier Mountain Range lived countless powerful beasts. Even peak Martial Emperor Realm experts would not dare to enter it. Therefore, those who planned to proceed to the upper district would be at least Martial Ancestors.

...Meanwhile, in the Heavenly Barrier Mountain Range...

“Princess Miao Miao, Tang Qingshan, and the others, according to Sacred Leader Qinglong, the Curse of Death had no effect on them. Therefore, with their capabilities, they should not have any problem surviving in the upper district…”

Qin Nan’s figure moved rapidly among the woods while he was pondering.

“I’m completely clueless regarding the upper district apart from the existence of the Four Great Factions. I guess I’ll have to ask some cultivators in the upper district after exiting the Heavenly Barrier Mountain Range…”

Qin Nan made up his mind and began multitasking. He calmed his thoughts and started cultivating while observing his surroundings with the left eye of the Divine God of Battle.

Now that the Nascent Soul of the Divine God of Battle had formed, he would need to cultivate further to trigger the Tribulation.

That being said, Qin Nan was confused about one particular thing.

Currently, his Chaos Qi no longer had any effect on the Nascent Soul of the Divine God of Battle.

After giving some to the Dragon Vein of the Qinglong Sacred Area, there were only twenty streams of Chaos Qi left in his body.

A loud explosion could be heard coming from a significant distance away all of a sudden.

“Is someone fighting there?”

Qin Nan halted in his tracks before his figure sprang toward his right with a flicker.

He was trying to find someone to ask about the information regarding the upper district’s Eastern Continent as well.

Qin Nan proceeded

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