Chapter 217 - I Am Who I Am
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Peerless Battle Spirit Chapter 217 - I Am Who I Am


Endless darkness!

Qin Nan could feel his body turn heavy like a mountain, sinking endlessly.

“So… I died.”

A thought rose up in Qin Nan’s mind. Following this, a strong fatigue completely devoured him, like a rising tide.

He sank into a deep sleep.

However, at that instant, a brilliant light penetrated the darkness, which transformed into a giant hand, grabbing Qin Nan and pulling him upward, out from the endless abyss.

“This is…”

Qin Nan opened his eyes, and was stunned after feeling the growing force within his body.

Didn’t I die?

How am I alive now?

“Qin Nan!”

At that instant, a sudden cry was heard, which turned out to be coming from the Divine Battle Spirit.

The current Divine Battle Spirit was different than before. His left eye was completely visible with a strong sense of life, causing its blurry figure to feel more alive than before, as if the Divine God of Battle was reborn.

“The left eye of the Divine God of Battle!”

Qin Nan’s expression changed as he said, “Why are you taking over my body?”

“Why? Are you asking me why?” The skull of the Divine Battle Spirit glanced downwardly at him, which uttered a thunderous voice, “The Divine Battle Spirit wages war against the Heavens and Earth. There is none He does not fight and none He does not win against, and you chose to surrender by lowering your head. Do you think you have the right to possess this Divine Battle Spirit?”

Qin Nan could feel his mind exploding and his soul shaking as his eyes were filled with a hint of confusion.

Did he really do the wrong thing?

Was it really the wrong thing to lower your head for the sake of your friend?

“Qin Nan, do you have any idea how stupid your so-called friends are!” The Divine Battle Spirit reached out its hand and flicked its finger, producing a screen. On the screen, Princess Miao Miao transformed into a Nine-spirited Ascended Ginseng after realizing Qin Nan was dead, and sacrificed her own primary force to save him. The Longhu Ancestor Beast spat out his Longhu Orb, which was formed with his hundred yea

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