Chapter 93: Beautiful Eyes
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Nightmare Assault Chapter 93: Beautiful Eyes

There was nothing… behind him. That did nothing to squelch the fear in Fatty’s heart. He followed Jiang Cheng’s gaze and saw a shadow on the wall. He didn’t know how to describe it. It was very, very tall. It looked like it was being strung up by something to hang in the air. The shadow swayed.


Fatty’s eyes trembled as epiphany dawned on him. It was… a hanging person!

However, there was nothing next to the shadow.

It was Chen Yao…

Chen Yao left the dance studio ten years ago to reach this room… through a mirror. The scariest thing was they couldn’t see her with their naked eyes.


The shadow moved again. Strangely enough, it had moved closer to them. Under such extreme conditions, Fatty couldn’t tell whether the movement was his own imagination or was it reality. In any case, Chen Yao’s appearance portended the ending of this mission.

The shadow moved faster and faster. Fatty was covered in a cold sweat. He didn’t dare to blink. He could confirm that the shadow was moving towards them in an inscrutable manner to kill them. They’d end up like the corpses inside the mirror.

With that in mind, Fatty’s eyes wandered to the mirror subconsciously. He saw something terrifying. The dead people in the mirror had wandered over to the mirror. Pairs of lifeless eyes looked at them.

Venomous, twisted, crazy… They were like hands trying to grab him. Fatty was so scared that he wanted to scream. However, with Jiang Cheng’s hand over his mouth, he could only make some muffled noises. Jiang Cheng clearly had noticed the anomaly behind him as well. His gaze scanned the surroundings. Based on the other players’ introduction and their understanding of the nightmare, the mission would not send them to a dead-end. There had to be a way out. However, as the time progressed, that exit would become narrower.

Where was the exit…

The shadow reached less than three metres from them and it was picking up speed. In less than half a minute, no, at most 20 seconds, the shadow could touch them.
Fatty couldn’t stand it anymore

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