Chapter 91: Surprise
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Nightmare Assault Chapter 91: Surprise


There was the sound of water dripping in the room. It was very soft, but Jiang Cheng and Fatty captured it in the quiet room. They turned to the source of the sound. It came from a dark corner of the room. It felt like a mist separated them from it.

Jiang Cheng contemplated for a few seconds before walking towards it. Fatty reached out his hand to stop Jiang Cheng, but he failed to grab even Jiang Cheng’s shirt. He gritted his teeth and followed Jiang Cheng.

First step, second step…

Fatty’s heart rose to his throat. As he came closer to the corner, he saw the source of the dripping. It was a giant… red wooden box. It had a classical look. The four corners were framed with copper. It was probably several thousand years old. In Fatty’s memory, the last time he saw something similar was when he visited his grandmother in the countryside.


There was another drip.

He looked down. A wooden rack was placed under the box, raising the box about 20 cm aboveground. Fatty immediately noticed the pool of water underneath the box. No… it was not water. It was blood!

It was confirmed by the scent. After experiencing so many horrors, Fatty didn’t react that much this time. If the extent of Su Yu’s trap was just scaring them with a pool of blood, Fatty was fine with it. However, that was clearly not the case.

Just as Fatty observed the pool, a drop of blood leaked out of the bottom of the box. It landed into the pool, creating a small ripple.

Something inside the box was bleeding…

Fatty stared at the box as many horrible images filled up his mind. As he was frozen by imagination, Jiang Cheng walked forward and removed the lid of the box with one fell swoop.

Once Fatty had a clearer look, he sucked in a cold breath.

Inside the box… was Zhen Jianren. Or, more accurately, it was Zhen Jianren’s dead body. His limbs were bent like origami so that his whole body could fit into the box. One of his elbows was snapped fully backwards.

However, the scariest thing was Zhen Jianren’s eyes. They were missing. There were

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