Chapter 50: Acting
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Nightmare Assault Chapter 50: Acting

“I’m not going either,” Luo Yi leaned on the bed. His face had more colours. He was with Zhen Jianren, so naturally, they stood on the same side. Fatty looked at Jiang Cheng worriedly. The situation was not good for him.


“You misunderstand.” Jiang Cheng said evenly, “No one is forcing you to go to the Prop Building. If none of you want to go, I’ll go.” Fatty shivered when he heard that. He looked at Jiang Cheng. He even thought that he was imagining things. However, Jiang Cheng didn’t look like he was joking.

He sat up straight, and his eyes were serene. He was fearless, reliable and stable. He stood out from the other calculating members. No one expected Jiang Cheng to take on this task himself. Zhen Jianren shared a swift look with Luo Yi. They both showed incredulity. They couldn’t guess what Jiang Cheng was planning.

“Now, it’s your turn.” Jiang Cheng resumed, “Who will find the woman from the rehearsal?” He turned to the other side, “Who will find the students?”

Moments later…

“I’ll find the woman.” Xu Wen suddenly spoke. The way she looked at Jiang Cheng changed, “I know where we can find here. Plus, I can communicate with her easier than the others.”

Jiang Cheng nodded. “Okay.”

Zhang Yinyin and Zhou Taifu were happy to follow her. Zhou Taifu even stood up to stand behind Xu Wen.

Since Jiang Cheng shouldered the task of going to the Prop Building, Zhen Jianren’s expression became strange. He couldn’t help but suspect the situation. However, everyone’s attention was pulled away from Jiang Cheng and shifted to him. He could only grumble, “Then, we’ll interact with the students.”

“Perfect.” Jiang Cheng stood. “Then, it’s decided. We’ll split up tomorrow.”

They didn’t waste time on warnings like stay safe. As the sky darkened, they returned to their rooms.

“Doctor,” Fatty rushed over as the door closed. “What are you doing? The Prop Building is clearly the most dangerous.” He asked, “Why did you volunteer?” He couldn’t understand Jiang Cheng at all.

Jiang Cheng casually opened the mineral water,

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