Chapter 44: Beat
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Nightmare Assault Chapter 44: Beat

There were no better options. In the end, it was Xu Wen who approached the woman who waited for them earlier. The woman looked awkward and then told them with some difficulty that the male toilet on that floor had been decommissioned, but if Long Tao didn’t mind…

Long Tao’s face paled from the sudden pain. Clearly, he didn’t mind. The woman led him to the bathroom. Xu Wen had Zhou Taifu and Zhang Yinyin follow them. Even though Zhou Taifu didn’t want to, he didn’t dare to offend Xu Wen. He had no choice. Zhang Yinyin looked as fearful as ever.

Soon, the last choir began. The girls from the three classes walked around and found their spots on stage. Their singing was soft but penetrating. With the guidance of the maestro, the song slowly reached the chorus…

The sound of heels clicking against the tiles echoed. The woman walked very fast. On the one hand, she was worried about Long Tao. On the other hand, she still needed to rush back to the rehearsal. After all, it was on her shoulders if something went wrong. After turning the corner, the woman paused and pointed down the corridor, “Keep on going, and you’ll see the toilet. This place is rather secluded, so not many will come here.” She turned around to look at Long Tao, “With your friends standing watch, you’ll be fine.”

“Thank you…”

“I still have things to do, so I can’t stay.” The woman turned around and left. She checked her phone as if she had something urgent to do. After the woman left, the atmosphere chilled. Zhou Taifu grumbled and urged Long Tao to hurry up.

“I’m going.” Long Tao just took two steps when he stopped and turned back to plead. “You have to wait for me. You can’t leave on your own.”

“Sure, sure.” Zhou Taifu waved his hands impatiently. Long Tao finally went ahead. The bathroom was further than he thought. It was at the end of the left corridor. Along the way, he passed many classrooms, but they had been abandoned for a long time, visible from the dust on the door handles. This made him uncomfortable. It was like he was a guest sent

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