Chapter 34: Discovery
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Nightmare Assault Chapter 34: Discovery

The woman in the qipao resisted the fear and looked up. The next second, her expression froze. Her eyes bulged, and she fell forward. Her mouth widened, and she screamed involuntarily. A black shadow flashed before her eyes. The extreme pain only lasted for a second before everything became quiet again. A mist unfurled in the dark corridor, and it wouldn’t dissipate.

This was a quiet night, at least for Jiang Cheng and Fatty. When the scream occurred, Fatty was still asleep. Two blankets were placed on him. He took Jiang Cheng’s advice and pulled the blankets up to his chin, only showing his pudgy face.

At that moment, a sharp scream came outside their room, “Someone’s dead!”

Fatty was so shocked that he almost fell down from the bed. Jiang Cheng took over the watch a few hours ago, so he was still awake. It was a woman who screamed. She sounded very young, and Jiang Cheng could recognise her voice. It was one of three newbies, the girl in the dinosaur pyjamas.

“Doctor.” Fatty trembled as he tried to say something. Perhaps he had just woken up. He made no sense at all. In any case, Jiang Cheng told him to shut up as he moved to the door. It was not until he heard the footsteps outside that he opened the door. Fatty followed him with fear.

Not far away, the girl was lying on the ground weakly. A lot of people crowded around the room’s door opposite the girl’s room. Blood oozed out of the door. It was brighteningly red. From the amount of blood, the fate of the people inside was not great.

Fatty’s eyes wandered about. He paused for a moment and then whispered, “The woman in the qipao is not here.” Actually, Jiang Cheng had already noticed that before Fatty told him. Therefore, it was given who was the victim inside the room. The girl in the pyjama was so scared that she couldn’t stop screaming.

“Fuck!” The man in the cap was already annoyed. The girl’s screams didn’t help the matter. After he cursed, he walked to the girl and gave her a slap. After that, the whole world became quiet. The girl was slapped to

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