Chapter 32: Fear
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Nightmare Assault Chapter 32: Fear

The woman in the qipao couldn’t sit still anymore. She stood up and walked to the door.

“Sister Qipao,” The girl looked so scared. She wasn’t going to be left alone in the room. “Where are you going?” She jumped down her bed, didn’t put on her shoes and rushed over to the woman, stepping on the cold cement floor.

“I’ll go check with the others and see if they’ve encountered anything strange.” She pretended to console the girl, “Don’t worry. I’ll be back after I ask them about it.”

The girl seemed to be scared of the dark corridor. She thought about it and eventually said, “Then, big sister, you have to come back quickly. I’m scared being by myself.”

“Okay. I promise you.” After she took a deep breath, the woman slowly pulled open the door a small gap. The corridor was very quiet. If she didn’t know the other rooms were inhabited, she would think she and the girl were the only people there. After confirming there was no anomaly, she opened the door and quickly slithered out. She didn’t plan to return to the room if she had her way. She shut the door with an audible click. Then, she quietly reopened the door and left a small gap to Room 407. If she encountered any danger, she could run back quickly. Furthermore, if she were taken in by the other room, Room 407, with the slightly open door, would be the ghost’s best target.

Her goal was Room 404. The people in Room 405 had heard the scratching. No matter what the sound represented, she was not going to take the risk. Plus, the two people in Room 404 didn’t look like good people.

The woman in the qipao was not naive. Therefore, she knew the suited man had been acting all along. There were no good people in the nightmare realm. Only those who died earlier or later. She didn’t pick Room 406 because it had too many newbies. Newbies meant uncontrollable factors. A careless mistake could mean death. Like most experienced players, she didn’t like newbies. On the other hand, she had high hopes for Jiang Cheng and Fatty. Jiang Cheng looked numb and a bit dull. However, s

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