Nightmare AssaultChapter 309: Time to Kill

“Should we go look for them?” You Qi probed, “If we keep waiting, I fear…”

“If you want to go, you can go. I’m not going!” Shi Liaozhi’s voice came from the corner. He sounded resistant. “Didn’t you hear the rules? If you leave, you die.” You Qi’s face darkened. Zuo Qing knew that You Qi was just saying that. He probably wouldn’t leave the room.

“Mr. Hao.” Zuo Qing turned to face the silent Jiang Cheng, “What is your thought?”

Jiang Cheng was stunned. Then, his calm face started to come alive. In the end, even his pupils enlarged. His whole body shook. Seeing this, Zuo Qing thought there were dangers. She looked around, worried that Jiang Cheng saw something that she hadn’t noticed.

“Miss Zuo,” Jiang Cheng stammered, “I’m so scared. You have to protect me!”

You Qi looked down on Jiang Cheng. “If something did happen, everyone would save themselves first. No one will have the time to protect you!”

Jiang Cheng ignored him. Hugging himself, he continued, “This is so scary! Four died with just one play. I think we’re in danger as well!”

“There’s no need to be so pessimistic.” Zuo Qing caught the message. She glanced out the door. “Something might have happened, but they can’t all be dead. I don’t think the mission can be that hard.”

“Really?” Jiang Cheng looked at Zuo Qing. He licked his lips. “I’m young, so don’t lie to me!”

Shi Liaozhi’s emotions became unstable. Ever since he escaped from the ghost, he suspected that the ghost was still hunting him. “Can you discuss something useful?” Shi Liaozhi suddenly shouted, “No one knows what is happening outside. Perhaps… the ghost is standing outside the door, waiting to kill us!” Despite his anger, the unknown still brought immense pressure to the people inside the room. After all, what he said could be the truth. None of them dared to open the door. The mission requested them to stay in the room.

Zuo Qing naturally ignored Shi Liaozhi’s grumbling. However, Jiang Cheng’s complaint inspired her. Four of them departed. The ghost wouldn’t murder all four at the same time. However… if they didn’t die, why hadn’t they returned? After all, they should have returned by the third drumbeat.

Theoretically speaking, the play had already failed. Were they delayed by something? Or trapped on the lake?

Zuo Qing thought about it. She didn’t think it was likely. Instead of saying they were trapped, it was more likely that they encountered something. After this incident, the people who had left didn’t dare to return.

Didn’t dare…

Zuo Qing’s eyes glowed. She believed she had touched on the pulse of the issue. The people who left must have discovered something and this discovery made them afraid to come back, even if they’d violate the rules for it. What would make them willingly violate the rules?

The next second, her eyes narrowed. Then, a scary thought appeared in her mind. Ghost! It had to be the ghost!

There was a ghost inside the room. That was why they didn’t dare to come back. That was the only valid explanation. Plus, she had other evidence to verify her hypothesis. It was the drumbeats. Namely, the fourth beat.

They were to salvage the corpse between the first and second beats. Then, they were supposed to deliver the corpse safely back to the room between the second and third beats. Then, what was the purpose of the fourth drumbeat? Was it for them to accompany the female corpse in the room?

Clearly, that couldn’t be it.

That was the hint! The period between the third and fourth beats was the real danger. The ghost would make her move during this period. The people outside realised this, and that was why they didn’t return; the ghost had already mixed into the group inside the room.

“Miss Zuo!” A sudden voice came from behind him. The voice was so close that it felt like it came from someone lying on her back. It was Shi Liaozhi’s voice. Zuo Qing’s fingers trembled. The glass she held shattered on the ground.

“Did you realise something, Miss Zuo?” Shi Liaozhi looked the same as before. He was very scared. He walked over anxiously.

“It… is nothing.” Zuo Qing couldn’t stop her voice from shaking. She tried not to meet Shi Liaozhi’s eyes.

“Miss Zuo, you have to share if you know something.” You Qi kept swallowing like he’d die the next second, “We have to work together if we want to live.”

“I know.” Zuo Qing glanced at You Qi. She had never hated someone as much as she did You Qi at that moment. Shi Liaozhi was not satisfied with Zuo Qing’s answer. His gaze focused on her face. Zuo Qing tried to ignore him, but his unusually cold gaze unsettled her. It also confirmed her suspicion.

“Is that so…” Shi Liaozhi slowly walked away. However, he kept her eyes on Zuo Qing. To divert her attention, Zuo Qing glanced at Jiang Cheng. She noticed the latter had his eyes focused on one stop.

Zuo Qing blinked and followed his gaze. He was staring at the ground. There was a pool of water from when she accidentally shattered her glass. There were broken chips on the ground. Just as she was confused, the next second, her gaze settled on the footprints near the pool of water.

Shi Liaozhi left them behind. They were intermittent as they moved to the bed. Shi Liaozhi was standing before the bed. The footprints were strange.

She raised her head. She realised Jiang Cheng’s gaze had moved to somewhere else. Above the water basin, there was a mottled copper mirror. It was inconspicuous because it was hidden by a hidden towel.

However, the exposed part of the mirror covered the lower half of Shi Liaozhi’s body. Zuo Qing only took a glance, and she shivered.

Shi Liaozhi’s feet were reversed.

The heels of his feet were facing forward.

Novel Notes

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