Chapter 24: School
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Nightmare Assault Chapter 24: School

“Doctor, don’t scare me, please.” Fatty shivered and said, “I might look large, but I can’t stand being scared.”

Jiang Cheng glanced at him. Considering his cooking skills, he decided to stop scaring Fatty. He stopped talking. Ever since he joined Jiang Cheng, Fatty became a lot more adaptable. Soon, he bounced all over the place again. “Doctor,” Fatty licked his lips and whispered, “Do you think we’ll enter the nightmare realm tonight?”

There was danger everywhere in the nightmare realm. The absurd yet realistic feeling was terrifying. Jiang Cheng, who was hanging the laundry, paused. He thought about it and then replied, “I don’t think so. Even though our stamina fully recovered once we left the nightmare realm, the mental strain on us is still strong.”

Fatty understood Jiang Zheng. The mental energy exhausted in the nightmare realm wouldn’t recover like the stamina. If this continued without stopping, they would eventually be drained by the nightmares. From what Man Li and Sister Nuan said, as scary as the nightmare was, it would always give the travellers a chance at survival.

“That’s good.” Fatty sighed and then said, “I wonder if I should keep staying up.”

“It’s pointless.” Jiang Cheng shook his head. “How many nights can you stay up? When your body can’t sustain it anymore, you’ll fall asleep and instantly die in the nightmare realm.”

The word die chilled Fatty. He quickly said that he was just grumbling and he didn’t really mean to do that.

“Do you want coffee?” Jiang Cheng walked to the kitchen and asked Fatty.

Fatty was shocked by the treatment, “Thank you, doctor.”

Cling and clang came from the kitchen. Jiang Cheng took down two cups from the rack. “American, Italian, latte or cappuccino?”

Fatty said awkwardly, “Doctor, I don’t know coffee. I normally go for the cheap 1-dollar instant coffee at the supermarket. How about a cappuccino, then?”

“I’m sorry.” Jiang Cheng said, “I’ve run out.”

“Latte then.”

“All out as well.”



“Then, Italian.” Fatty shrunk his head. “Sorry fo

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