Chapter 20: Doctor Jiang
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Nightmare Assault Chapter 20: Doctor Jiang

Fatty poked his head out of the kitchen when he heard the sound, “Doctor, please sit first. The food will be ready soon.”

Jiang Cheng mumbled as he sat down on the couch. The experience last night flickered in his mind, causing him a headache. He looked up and realised someone had cleaned up his office. The shelf where he put the patient’s file had shown signs of falling to the side, so Jiang Cheng wrapped it up with tape. The tape had been cleaned. The broken parts had been fixed with nails. Even the rust had been cleaned away. The messy wires on the ceiling and walls had been carefully arranged and pinned to where they should be. A folded ladder leaned against the wall. A piece of paper was squeezed in between, afraid that the rung of the ladder would dirty the wall. An old newspaper sat on the table. On the paper was a hammer, a pair of scissors, black electrical tape and metallic nails. These should be the source of the banging.

“Doctor.” Fatty’s voice accompanied the sound of water out of the kitchen. “Do you eat spicy food? I’ve made braised ribs.”

“Sure.” Jiang Cheng shouted, “But don’t put too much chilli. I’m scared of breaking out 'cause I’m still in my puberty.”

Fatty paused before resuming.

Jiang Cheng was leaning on the couch when the phone in his pocket vibrated. He took out it and answered it.

“Doctor Jiang,” A man’s voice came from the phone. It sounded very young. “Are you at your office now?”


“Then, I’ll head over now.” The man said happily. “I’m just around. I’ll be there in half an hour.”

“Okay.” Jiang Cheng nodded and hung up. Fatty walked out, holding the edge of the pot with some napkins. He rushed over and then quickly put the pot down. His fingers were red from the heat. When he saw Jiang Cheng look at him, he chuckled shyly. He said since he hadn’t found a good cooking pot, he made do with a non-heat-resistant pot.

“There’s a kitchen cloth in the kitchen.” Jiang Cheng said.

Fatty was startled before he reacted that Jiang Cheng was referring to his hurt fingers. He couldn’

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