Chapter 194: Guardians
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Nightmare Assault Chapter 194: Guardians (Teaser)

“We became lost not longer after we entered the forest. Perhaps being lost is normal for you, but my little brother will never get lost.” She seemed to remember something, and her face paled, “My little brother’s way of thinking is different from normal. He is used to marking people and objects with numbers. In the forest, he’d keep on marking special things with numbers.” She paused before adding, “It’s not marking things in a clockwise manner…”

“Sorry to interrupt,” Jiang Cheng said, “But I have no interest in your little brother’s talent. I just want to know about the forest.”

Su Xiaoxiao nodded. “I don’t know how to describe this forest to you. In any case, this forest is not something you and I can understand. My little brother seems to understand it, but sadly, he can’t express himself easily. I do know that he has been stressing one specific point,” Su Xiaoxiao suddenly sat up. Then, her presence changed. “He said… that this forest is alive.”

“The forest… is alive?” Fatty blinked his eyes. He was reminded of the black mist he s