Chapter 183: Betrayal
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Nightmare Assault Chapter 183: Betrayal

The building was silent, as if it was deserted.


“Mayor!” A sharp voice came from the other side. It was hard to tell the owner’s gender. “They are over there!” Jiang Cheng and the rest turned to the voice. They discovered it was where the Loli girl and the tall man were hiding. It was hard to say if the tall man did it on purpose or not. He hid among two small rocks. His large body was practically exposed. He was immediately discovered by the newcomers.

After the tall man was discovered, he looked flustered. In the end… he stood up obediently. This meant that the girl beside him was exposed as well. There were many shadows near the broken window, glancing into the building.

At least… they looked like humans.

The leader was a muscular man around 40. He was about as large as the tall man. His golden, curly hair was eye-grabbing. He carried a rodgun on his back.

After the tall man and the Loli girl were discovered, Jiang Cheng and the young master’s hiding became meaningless. The newcomers had a torch each. Since they knew that there were people hiding around, once they searched the area, the travellers would be easily exposed. With the newcomers’ stature, the travellers would be overwhelmed quickly.

When the travellers walked out one after another, the golden-haired guy’s eyes glowed. He explained to them that he was the temporary mayor of Black Stone Town, which was not far away. When they saw the lighthouse come on, they knew that someone had returned to this place again. When Jiang Cheng heard the term again, his eyes flashed.

The golden-haired man was very polite. They stood outside the door. They didn’t throng the travellers with their advantage in number. The young master and the rest also talked to them through the window.

“What do you mean by again?” The young master asked, “Have you met others like us?”

“Yes.” The golden-haired man nodded and sighed. “However, you’re unlucky enough to come here while lost.”

The Loli girl interrupted, “What’s wrong with this place?”

“This…” The golden-ha

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