Chapter 18: Newspaper
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Nightmare Assault Chapter 18: Newspaper

Going into the nightmare was not an isolated incident. Fatty knew that too. He only survived the mission because he stuck with Jiang Cheng. He might not be as lucky next time.

Fatty looked awkward after he was exposed. Jiang Cheng searched his body and found nothing special. He let Fatty go and switched on the light above them. Fatty leaned against the wall. As he rubbed his arm, he studied Jiang Cheng’s office.

“Brother,” Fatty saw the patient’s records on the table and asked Jiang Cheng, “Are you… a doctor?”


“In what field?”

Jiang Cheng walked to the office table and sat down, “The field of resentment.”

Fatty bubbled his saliva like he wanted to say something, but he still shut up in the end. Based on Jiang Cheng’s requirement, he sat down across from him. The couch was old. The leather was cracked. The back could be pushed down easily to turn the couch into a bed. Sometimes, Jiang Cheng would direct his patients to lie there and help them relax.

After some questions, Fatty revealed that his name was Wang Fugui. He had done many jobs, the most recent job being the driver of a long-distance transportation truck. Due to some reasons, he quit. His house was in the Swan City, not far away from the Banyan City.

Fatty said it was his first time entering the nightmare world. Jiang Cheng asked why he was so neatly dressed and knew to carry an umbrella with him. That was not how a normal person would dress when they went to bed.

Fatty scratched his head and admitted that he got into a big fight due to a recent salary issue with his boss. Then, he was chased out of the employee hostel. He had no money for a hotel stay, so he decided to sleep overnight in a small garden, but…

Jiang Cheng knew that Fatty wanted to say he also had no idea why he would suddenly appear at that place.

“Did you cross through a door too?”

“Yes.” Fatty nodded as his face paled. “The door appeared on the wall of the garden, but I remembered there was not a door there.”

It was similar to Jiang Cheng’s experience. Everyone came to

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