Chapter 172: New Map
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Nightmare Assault Chapter 172: New Map (Teaser)

After the series of impacts, Fatty suddenly felt like it was nothing, even if the patch on his neck had expired.

“Doctor,” Fatty tilted his head to ask, “Is that woman your boss?”


“What is her name?”

Jiang Cheng applied his own patch and sat down across from Fatty, “Lin Wan Er.”

Fatty thought about it. The name was normal, but her actions… At this point, Fatty shivered, and he asked in fear, “Will she come back after this?”

Jiang Cheng slowly answered, “No. At least not for another month.” He thought about it and then edited himself, “Normally she won’t.” The mention of the woman made Jiang Cheng feel uncomfortable. Fatty could sense that the Doctor was purposely avoiding topics about Lin Wan Er. His eyes darted about.

“Fatty.” Jiang Cheng stood up to interrupt him. “Have you ever wondered what we can gain from the nightmare?”

The abruptness of this question confused Fatty, who was still thinking about Lin Wan Er. He blinked, “What do you mean?”

“Are the blank paper and newspapers everything to it…” Jiang Cheng seemed to be tal