Chapter 169: Beauty
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Nightmare Assault Chapter 169: Beauty (Teaser)

“Still no news for now.” The man’s voice was thick and heavy. “We’ve investigated all the patients who have been discharged from the mental asylums near the capital recently. We do not find the person you describe.”

“Expand the search.” A flash crossed the girl’s brows. “And… He might have a fat guy following him.”

“A fat guy?” The man smiled sadly, “That is nothing special. There are fat people everywhere.”

“But this fat guy is different.” The girl was reminded of Fatty’s agility, which didn’t match his size. She took a deep breath. “This fat dude is extremely agile. Pay attention to that.”

The man on the other end of the phone was startled. He didn’t get it. How agile could a fat guy be?

The girl hung up. The large bedroom became quiet again. The girl pulled her hair into a simple ponytail and jumped down from the bed. She ignored her slippers and walked to the floor-length window with her bare feet. She pulled back the curtain, and the afternoon sun shone on her face. The girl narrowed her eyes and looked out.

She only had on a thi