Chapter 162: Trap
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Nightmare Assault Chapter 162: Trap

After losing three sons and Asumu, this caused the old man’s mind to collapse. He lowered his head and mumbled things that no one understood. In the end, even the mumbling stopped. 

The village head, who lost his heart, slid down the wall. A giant hole in his chest gurgled out blood. A red line moved down the yellowed wall. His head was gone too.

The figure flickered and she appeared in the hidden room. Three human heads were casually dropped on the ground. The village head, Qian Jianxiu, and… Asumu. 

Asumu’s head landed less than a metre away from Jiang Cheng. His head was at least twice as big as the other two heads. Due to the angle, Jiang Cheng couldn’t see his head, only his hair that was matted with blood. Blood flowed through the black floor. 

The twisting figure opened the closet using her impossibly flexible arms. She walked in, and the closet closed with a creak. 

She left. Then again, what else could she do if she stayed? She got her revenge. This was a release for her. Jiang Cheng couldn’t help but be reminded of the women at Little Ravine Village. He thought of the hostility and tiredness on their faces. This kind of life was a torture for them. Some of them already had a dead heart. 

Even if they could leave Little Ravine Village, nothing would ever be the same. The stigma they would receive from society at large would be the second knife above their necks. Suddenly, Jiang Cheng felt something strange. It was as if… there was a pair of eyes on him. He instantly turned to the closet. The closet doors were firmly shut, and the hidden room was unusually quiet. 

Then, he slowly moved his gaze to search around the hidden room. It was covered by a mysterious halo. Jiang Cheng guessed this was the iron door’s blessing. Every piece of furniture was where it should be. They were dusted with strange light. This hidden room… no, this hostel should be devoid of living humans. 

But… who was staring at him then?

Jiang Cheng slowly pulled his eyes back. At that moment, a flash crossed his eyes. Then, his bo

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