Chapter 16: Trap
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Nightmare Assault Chapter 16: Trap

Man Li, who was on the bus, finally noticed Jiang Cheng and Fatty didn’t follow him. He turned around and looked at them in confusion. However, Fatty was not in the mood to care about him because he realised Director Zheng was glaring at Jiang Cheng. Her eyes turned vicious. A few seconds past, and since the driver didn’t do anything, the bus door slammed closed.

The speed was so fast that Fatty was shocked. The bus disappeared, and only two deep tire tracks were left.

“No! No!” Fatty was scared by Director Zheng. His body couldn’t stop shaking. After comparing this to the incident with Sister Nuan, he gasped, “That was a trap! Director Zheng was a ghost too!”

Jiang Cheng ignored Fatty. He saw the bus disappear and then whispered, “Goodbye.”

Jiang Cheng returned to the bungalow and came to the iron door on the third floor. Fatty wanted to ask Jiang Cheng some questions, but he didn’t have the opportunity. Jiang Cheng reached out, and the door opened. Jiang Cheng didn’t open it. Instead, an arm from inside opened the lock.

“It’s you!”

As the door opened, Fatty gasped.

Chen Xiaomeng still looked pretty innocent. She pulled the door open. Jiang Cheng entered the door. After some hesitations, Fatty followed.

As Sister Nuan said, it was a secret room on the third floor. There was no window. The only light source was two white candles the size of a baby’s arm. The candlelight showed that the room was large. It was even larger than the main bedroom. A pure black iron door was embedded in the wall.

When he saw the iron door, Fatty’s heart relaxed. The iron door gave him an indescribable strange feeling. It couldn’t be fabricated.

“I’m curious. How did you know it was a trap?” Chen Xiaomeng sat on the chair and put her chin on her palm. Her other hand pointed behind the bungalow. She didn’t look nervous. If anything, she looked excited. Of course, she was not talking to Fatty but Jiang Cheng.

Jiang Cheng sat down across from her. “Even though you decorated everything so truthfully by leaving the rope on the stair

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