Chapter 149: Steamed Bun
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Nightmare Assault Chapter 149: Steamed Bun

The woman’s mother was silenced. The Qian Family successfully sealed her lips. This reminded Jiang Cheng of the beaten poor woman who couldn’t speak. Her throat was ruined by the Qian Family to prevent others from hearing her. It was the same despicable tactic.

The plot had been clarified thus far but there was still one detail that was missing, the ghost’s identity.

However, the Qian family was almost wiped out, and there were not that many survivors, such as Hong Hong’s grandmother. Their lead was cut off.

The woman slowly sat up and said, “I heard my mother once mention that the police had done a written record with all the kidnapped women. The police recorded the precise time of their kidnapping and what they experienced in this village. This record should still be around somewhere.”

Chen Xiaomeng quickly asked, “Do you know where this record is?”

“Not the exact location,” The woman replied uncertainly, “But I believe the town law enforcement office should have a copy of it. After all, Little Ravine Village is under An Ping Town’s jurisdiction.” After getting the information they needed, the two prepared to leave.

“By the way,” Chen Xiaomeng asked, “Have you seen or heard the other villagers mention two other women who came with us?”

“Why?” The woman widened her eyes, “Did two females from your group disappear?”


“When did this happen?”

“This afternoon.”

The woman’s face paled as the possibility dawned on her. “That is bad. The ghost rarely goes after women.” Jiang Cheng and Chen Xiaomeng understood what she didn’t say. Lee Lu and Yu Man had probably already been attacked by the villagers.

“Understood.” Chen Xiaomeng only planned to save them if it was convenient. If she had to risk her life to save them, it was pointless. In fact, leaving them with the villagers might buy them more time. Then, they moved to leave.

“Where are you going?” The woman chased after them. She reminded them, “The village head will gather people to capture you tomorrow. You have to be careful. Leave this place as soo

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