Chapter 147: Mother
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Nightmare Assault Chapter 147: Mother

Chen Xiaomeng’s attention was fully on Jiang Cheng. She looked at the man’s profile silently. The sharpness exhibited by the man after he entered the house was beyond her expectations. For a moment, she really thought Jiang Cheng would kill the woman. In the nightmare realm, she had met many extremely evil people. Most of them were made crazy by the missions. However, Jiang Cheng was different. The evil in him… was innate.

She had no doubt that if the woman resisted, he would live up to his threat and kill her.

“Is the man from the afternoon still around?”

The woman widened her eyes in fear. Her lips couldn’t stop trembling. Jiang Cheng slowly eased his grip around her neck. She gasped for air, and she shook her head heavily.

“Was he sent here by the village head?” The woman nodded.

“Are there other people here other than you?” The woman was startled and then shook her head vehemently.

“Think about it first before answering,” Jiang Cheng cracked his knuckles. In the woman’s eyes, the handsome man was the devil. His thin lips moved. Every detail was reflected in her eyes. “If I find anyone else here, the consequence will be bad.”

The woman teared up. In the end, she had to nod. Melancholy filled her eyes.

“I will slowly let go now.” Jiang Cheng looked at her and uttered slowly, “But if you scream…” Jiang Cheng didn’t need to finish to drive the point across. He slowly let go. Then, he asked in a growl, “Who else is at home?”

“My daughter, Hong Hong… and Hong Hong’s grandmother.”

When Jiang Cheng entered the house, he noticed a door blocked off by a blanket hung on the wall. He turned his head and asked the woman, “Are they in there?”

“Yes.” The woman answered. Then, she anxiously wanted to add something but Jiang Cheng didn’t give her the chance. He said, “As long as you answer me honestly, they will be fine.”

The woman swallowed cautiously. She didn’t look old, at most 30. However, she was pale and fragile. There were wrinkles around her eyes. The frostbites on her hands were conspicuous. The pressure o

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