Chapter 145: Conspiracy
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Nightmare Assault Chapter 145: Conspiracy

“The village doctor has been here,” The man explained, “Hong Hong’s mother is fine. The doctor said that she needed to rest a lot before he left.”

“Is that so?” Jiang Cheng looked at the closed door. He nodded with some regret, “Then, we’ll be leaving.”


On the way back, Chen Xiaomeng glanced at Jiang Cheng. The latter appeared confident and inscrutable.

“There’s something wrong with that man.” Chen Xiaomeng began, “Hong Hong looks like she’s scared of him. Plus, a girl her age wouldn’t know about the distance between males and females. He probably taught her to say that.”

Jiang Cheng narrowed his eyes to block the setting sun. “Of course. Or else why would he choose this hour to work on the vegetable patch? Clearly, he saw us and hurried over to Hong Hong’s home.” The sun was setting, and the night would soon arrive. The night was a nightmarish existence for the villagers. However, the man chose this hour to come to work in the small field? Clearly, this was suspicious.

Chen Xiaomeng added, “Based on his appearance, he is not a farmer. His pair of leather shoes are practically shining.” A well-dressed strange man said that he came to Hong Hong’s place to help with the gardening.

At that point, both stopped talking. Since they had seen through the man’s fake identity, the next step was to predict his goal. This was very simple. He was there to monitor them. The man’s real goal was probably to prevent them from interacting with Hong Hong’s family to gain valuable information. The village head was most likely behind this.

Chen Xiaomeng’s group’s movement in the village had alerted them. Along the way, the nearby houses were old and decrepit, but from the vegetables and laundries in the yard, one could tell that they were still occupied. However, there had been no signs of human life at all.

Chen Xiaomeng paused and whispered, “Do you know…”

“I do,” Jiang Cheng interrupted.

“How do you know what I was about to ask?” Chen Xiaomeng gasped.

Jiang Cheng didn’t stop moving. “You can’t figure out why

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