Chapter 143: Strange
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Nightmare Assault Chapter 143: Strange

Chen Xiaomeng’s eyes twitched. She said, “You can just die normally. There’s no need to die from heavy bleeding from all orifices.”

Jiang Cheng ignored her. “Where did you find this picture?”

“On the second floor.” Chen Xiaomeng said, “It was inside the dresser I was hiding in. There was a picture frame that it came in. However, I threw it away because it was too troublesome.”

“A wooden frame?” Jiang Cheng gestured, “About yay big?”

Chen Xiaomeng’s eyes dimmed. A few seconds later, she realised something. Before she could ask anything, Jiang Cheng took out another similar… well, very similar picture. Her pupils shrunk. There were only six people in this picture! A woman was missing.

“Is this the thing you guys found on the first floor?” Chen Xiaomeng asked.

“No.” Jiang Cheng shook his head. “I found it first. It had nothing to do with the other two.”

Chen Xiaomeng pursed his lips. She looked at Jiang Cheng with untrustworthiness.

“I know what you’re thinking.” Jiang Cheng raised his brow. “You’re wondering why I would volunteer the fact that I have another picture.” Chen Xiaomeng responded with silence.

Jiang Cheng didn’t mind it. He continued, “The ghost in this mission is very weird. Based on my understanding, the ghost rarely kills consecutively. However, you saw it personally. If not for me, she would have killed three people in quick succession.”

Chen Xiaomeng stared at him, “Do you… want to cooperate?”


“Mr. Yi is so clever and cunning. I don’t know if I can help you with anything.” Chen Xiaomeng was uncomfortable because she was tied up. Plus, she was dissatisfied with Jiang Cheng.

“If you haven’t already discovered something, would you risk exploring that building?” Jiang Cheng smiled.

After some thought, Chen Xiaomeng asked, “What is your condition?”

“After the mission is over, I want to be the first to leave.” That was Jiang Cheng’s bottom line.

Chen Xiaomeng nodded. “Sure.”

“Then, what is Miss Chen’s condition?” Jiang Cheng narrowed his eyes.

“I don’t have one.” Chen Xiaomeng said

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