Chapter 141: Neighbour
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Nightmare Assault Chapter 141: Neighbour

Jiang Cheng believed he was normal, so he abandoned the window and chose the dresser where most victims would die in horror movies. He took a deep breath and pulled open the right dresser door. Thankfully, no ghost jumped out. He instantly crawled into it.

At the same time, the strange footsteps came to the second floor. The difference between the two was less than a few seconds. After Jiang Cheng calmed down, he slowly suppressed his beating heart. Soon, his breathing also returned to normal. He sucked in a big breath and held his breath.

After the footsteps came to the second floor, the frequency became quicker. They headed in a certain direction. Based on the location, the ghost probably went to check the window. A gap was left in the dresser door. Jiang Cheng leaned over to check outside. He noticed a broken figure outside the dresser. As he expected, the figure was dragging along a scary cleaver.

The ghost wiggled her body, but she was fast unexpectedly. In just a few blinks, she arrived at the window. The next second, Jiang Cheng widened his eyes. He saw how the ghost exposed her bony arm and then tore off the window… That’s right, just like how one would tear down a poster on the wall. The window… was fake!

The ghost huffed angrily when she realised her conspiracy had been exposed. Then, she tore the extremely-realistic ‘window’ into pieces. Jiang Cheng frowned as he was reminded of the various tools on the second-floor study table. If he was not mistaken, Jiang Cheng also saw multi-coloured small cans. They were like paint cans used by the older generations.

Even Jiang Cheng was impressed by the talent of the ghost. She managed to paint out a ‘window’ and place it on the wall. If someone tried to escape through the window… The consequence would be deadly.

Probably, the ghost would crawl out from the ‘window’. It was totally possible in the nightmare realm.

After shredding the window, the ghost looked around. She instantly locked onto the conspicuous dresser. With a swing of her body, she appeared bef

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