Chapter 14: Escape
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Nightmare Assault Chapter 14: Escape

“This is not a holiday.”

Fatty thought of something, and he shook. “So you mean… the Sister Nuan we saw is a ghost?”

“I’m afraid so.” Jiang Cheng nodded.

“If that’s the case, the girl, Chen Xiaomeng…”

“Alright.” Jiang Cheng interrupted him. “Let’s go to the living room.” To avoid unnecessary misunderstanding, Jiang Cheng didn’t hide his footsteps going down the stairs. However, when he and Fatty arrived, there was only the burning fireplace. Man Li was gone. Fatty was scared. “Do you think something happened to him?”

Jiang Cheng looked around and said, “Come out. We’re humans, not ghosts.”

Then, a giant shadow stood up behind the couch. Man Li looked at them with alert. The knife in his hand glowed dangerously.

“Why did you come down?” He glanced at the stairs and then at Jiang Cheng, “What about the other two?”

“Something happened to them.”

Man Li stared at them suspiciously. Based on their predictions, women should be safe in this mission. Fatty quickly explained everything to him. Man Li’s expression changed, and he sighed, “In that case, something bad probably happened to them.”

Fatty wanted to say it was worse than that. They should hope they didn’t find them like Xie Yu. Since ghosts had already attacked that night, it was comparatively safer for the rest. However, after what happened, even Fatty didn’t feel sleepy anymore.

“You should rest.” Jiang Cheng said. “I won’t sleep. I’ll wake you two hours later.”

Perhaps Man Li was already used to this. He lay down not on the couch but beside the fireplace. No one knew if he was really sleeping or not. Furthermore, he kept the knife he found in the kitchen close to him.

Beside the warm fire, even Fatty started to feel drowsy. He hadn’t had a good sleep in a while. Only his determination kept him going. He sat on the couch, and the scene before him blurred. When he opened his eyes again, the sky was brightening. Man Li and Jiang Cheng were quietly discussing something. Jiang Cheng looked normal, but Man Li looked quite excited. Fatty moved, and the couc

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