Chapter 12: Box
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Nightmare Assault Chapter 12: Box

With the elementary analysis out of the way, their search was more targeted. Fatty stuck close to Jiang Cheng. Man Li grumbled that his big size was blocking people’s view and scolded him several times. Fatty ignored him and the others couldn’t do much to him. Soon, they found something in the main bedroom.

There was a solid wood picture frame hanging on the wall. There was an old picture in the frame. The picture had been soaked, and the background had yellowed. Only the family of four in the centre of the picture could be seen.

The male and female owners stood in the middle. The mother had her hands on the shoulders of a girl with two pigtails. The girl stood obediently before her mother. The other, taller girl looked more rebellious. Her pants and sleeves were rolled up. Her thin arms were covered with tattoos. She stood beside the father and lifted her chin in defiance. It looked like this was the family that once lived here.

The strange thing was all of their faces were blurred out, and so was the background. It was impossible to tell where the picture was taken.

Chen Xiaomeng was stunned when she saw the picture, and then she said excitedly, “I remember this picture wasn’t there in the morning! This whole wall was unadorned in the morning!”
Sister Nuan was calmer. She was used to strange things happening in the dream realm.

“We probably found the right clues and triggered the progression of the plot.” Man Li explained.

Jiang Cheng looked at him, “Kinda like a game?”

“I suppose so.”

Then, they found a pair of pliers in the room where Xie Yu’s body was found. Beside the pliers was a squashed round tin box. It was the kind used to store candies. Fatty picked up the box and shook it. It made a rattling sound.

“What is it?”

Just as he wanted to use his large hands to twist the box open, Jiang Cheng held him back. Jiang Cheng grabbed him and stared at the pliers. His expression shifted.

“What’s wrong?” Fatty was scared.
Jiang Cheng’s expression slowly returned to normal and said, “Nothing. I suddenly remem

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